Thursday, 8 December 2011

Majlis Graduasi 2011

As salam,

Setiap permulaan pasti ada pengakhiran.Begitulah juga bagi para pelajar tingkatan 3 dan 5 2011 yang secara rasminya telah menamatkan sesi pembelajaran mereka di MRSM Terendak.Hari Graduasi yang amat bermakna buat mereka telah menjadikan ini sebagai suatu inisiatif untuk mereka melakar kejayaan buat mereka dalam peperiksaan PMR dan SPM pada tahun ini.Majlis Graduasi yang diadakan sekali setahun ini sememangnya diadakan secara gilang-gemilang bagi meraikan penghabisan pembelajarn tingkatan 3 dan 5.Jadi,di bawah ini,pihak BWP dan sediakan apa yang kitaorg dah ambil....

graduan tingkatan 5-calon SPM 2011

pembawa cokmar iaitu uztaz zaid masuk ke dalam dewan bersama tetamu VIP

ahli SENAT maktab yang ceria

graduan tingkatan 3 - calon 8A PMR 2011
Jadi itulah serba serbi mengenai MAJLIS GRADUASI MRSM TERENDAK 2011 yang telah didakan pada 30 Oktober yang lepas.Semoga majlis ini mampu menjadi titik tolak untuk mereka berjaya pada masa hadapan.Semoga kita bertamu lagi.

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Raya Di Terendak

As salam,

Kemeriahan di aidilfitri sememangnya tidak dapat dinafikan oleh seseorang.Maaflah kerana baru sekarang pihak BWP menyiarkan berita uang lebih hangat daripada biasa ini.Acara yang diadakan di DEWAN BUDIMAN agak renggang pada mulanya,namun keadaan makin bertambah meriah apabila Ayahanda mula ber-berkaroake di atas pentas menarik sungguh.

urmm...cantik sungguh mereka ini.....

sibuk menghias meja..ada pertandingan lah

keadaan ketika sambutan dijalankan

kenapa ada sesat kat sini plak ni????

oh..cantik dan bergaya di situ
Antara acara yang dijalankan ketika sambutan hari raya ialah
  • pertandingan nyanyian lagu raya
  • hiasan meja terunik
  • baju raya tercantik
Jadi,keputusannya....urmm..dah lupalah..tapi kalau nak tahu,inilah jamuan raya yang terGEMPAK dan terHANGAT yang pernah diadakan di MRSM Terendak.

    Saturday, 3 December 2011

    Planning A Healthy Diet

    As salam,

    From the Health and Food Bureau table,me as the head of this bureau is very pleased to give you guys a well welcome from me.On this first post from me,I would like to ask you guys a question.Are you a obese or fat or is likely to have a dilemma on thinning down your fat?Today,I would love to give you guys 9 simple tips:
    • Set yourself up for success

    • Moderation is key
    • It's not just what you eat,it's how you eat!
    • Fill up on colourful fruits and vegetable

    • Eat more healthy carbs and whole grains

    • Enjoy healthy fats and avoid unhealthy fats
    • Put protein in perspective
    • Add calcium for strong bones

    • Limit sugar and salt
    So,do take note on what I had write today.See you guys soon.Cheers!

    Friday, 2 December 2011

    It's Good To Be In The Field

    As salam,

    It had been a duty for us as a student to have a balanced in every aspect that included curriculum activities.If we studied on scientific researched,sweat is a substance that chemically removed all poisonous substances in our body.Having a recreation during evening right after performing our Asar prayers is a healthy activity that give us many positive effects.

     Such as give us an energetic body and produced a brilliant brain for us to study.Does it help us on producing a successful student?Yaa...I agree.Moreover,when us played at the field,I can guarantee that you'll free from any diseases because you already have a healthy body.

    As a closing speech,be active as it can lead us to a healthy lifestyle.Rebut on every negative words you heard about yourself as it can build up your self-confidence.Remember,nothing is impossible unless you stop trying because the sky is the limit. UNLIMITED!

    As salam,

    Today, I'm very keen to know whether the students are interested into photography??? guys have your own interest right?Yes, it's true.But, it's not a mistake to involved in something that is universal.Photography is UNIVERSAL!

    So,on my opinion,it's not a responsible for information and communication only but it's a compulsory for all SRC to know a bit on photography.Why?'Every picture has its own story behind it'.That's statement that everyone should agree.
    As a conclusion,don't urged yourself to be in this field but try to learn a bit by bit as all programs should have a shoot to be post and shown to the public.

    Thursday, 1 December 2011

    Upper Form....Is That Difficult??

    As salam,

    On this post is just a bit review on what we said ACADEMIC PUNISHMENT!Why?Yup, on every college we had the same type of person.There's an intelligent person and there's also a dumb not dumb but he or she is not given yet a chance to feel the essence of success.

    I believe that everyone had its own chance to grab the true success.The different is whether we'll get it now or in the future.We once heard, we should use all the strength that we have to achieve our target.Yes!That is true.Just a word that differentiate  two person in achieving the success,EFFORT!I cannot deny the statement because it's true.

    As a conclusion,stop from being a person that love to give excuse but be a person that love to solve problems.Remember,start your day with full determination and you'll end your day with full satisfaction.
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